When time lasts a ton, 2021
Mobile Landscapes Duo: Bárbara Lissa and Maria Vaz
The work "When time lasts a ton", developed in the municipality of Brumadinho-MG, began in 2021, two years after the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão dam, controlled by the mining company Vale S.A. Some questions prompted us to think about this environment toxic and present, even if invisible, through photographs: “What still reverberates, even if invisible, in the place?”, “What other ways of creating an archive, documenting an event not only on the date it occurred, but in an expanded time ?”. After this time had passed since the date of the disaster, our proposal was to photograph, in a sensible way,yesvel, what remains of the event in the local landscape, in 2021, two years after the event. What was still to be seen, that persists, would have to be photographed subtly, almost blindly, like a desolate horizon and abandoned houses covered, intentionally, with low plants and grass that hide the mud.
Using a camera Zeiss Ikon and a negative 120mm, We produce combined images, without separation by frames, giving materiality to multiplicity of dimensions temporal in force. As images, built in layers, they both reconstitute and create different possible landscapes through a technique that allows a partial overlap of images to be produced, where one frame invades and recomposes the other. The combined landscape is sometimes invaded by the grass that invades the houses, or by the train that carries the mountains. In the development process, the negatives developed together with chemicals, local water contaminated by heavy metals and iron ore dust reveal not only images of the place, but the materiality of Córrego do Feijão itself, printed on the film. In addition to a representation, a testimony. The images therefore speak of this invisible landscape, imagining the unimaginable, trying to capture something as if it were “hovering in the air” or beneath our feet.

2023: Cosmopolitics - Photo Rio. Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
2022: Cosmopolitics - Solar Festival. Fortaleza, CE.
2022: TERRARIUM - Fotograma Livre - FestFoto. Porto Alegre, RS.
2022: From Earth to Earth - GAIA Gallery. Campninas, SP.
2022: Solo exhibition - BDMG Cultural. Belo Horizonte, MG.
2022: Cosmopolitics produced by the Clovis Salgado Foundation. Center for Contemporary Art and Photography. Belo Horizonte, MG.
2022: Cosmopolitics, produced by Festival Foto em Pauta, curated by João Castilho and Pedro David. Tiradentes, MG.
2021: Pierre Verger National Photography Award - FUNCEB. Collective exhibition at Palacete das Artes. Salvador BA
2020: Approval of the “Scholarship for collectives in visual arts” notice of the Aldir Blanc law, for the development of the project.