Certa vez eu nadei tão longe mar adentro que me deram por morta.
Algumas horas depois, apareci em um barquivnho, acompanhada de dois pescadores.
"encontramos essa senhora perdida
algumas ilhas pra lá"
Certa vez minha avó nadou tão longe que atravessou ilhas.
Aos três anos de idade, meu pai me ensinou a nadar.
Minha avó me ensinou a boiar e a dar umas braçadas mais compridas

Jacy - who build the houses , 2020/21
Whit two years and seven months old, Lucília asked me:
- Mom, are we going to make houses just like Dad?
- I don't know, Lucília.
- Why?
- I did not study at the school your father went to
- Is it?
- Your father is an engineer. He builds houses, your mother is not an engineer.
- Only men build houses, isn't it? (she was observing many constructions)
- No. Women also do it. Women are engineers.
- Is it?
- It is.
Jacy was a woman born in 1930. She was the mother of four children, a PhD in Sociology of Education, a professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the author of a didactic material that was used in almost all of Brazil. I mix up images and texts of my grandmother amalgamated with other records and more recent creations, composing a dialogue between the two of us and between times, bringing the figure of this possible woman, who builds houses, careers, family and dreams.
FOTOLIVRO Quem constrói as casas
2023: Finalista - Prêmio Imaginária (2º lugar)
2022: Finalista - Prêmio Imaginária
2021: Finalista - Prêmio Foto em Pauta