Indicated to PIPA Award 2023
Co-founder of Duo Paisagens Móveis
Member WomenPhotograph
Member Light Women
Maria Vaz is a visual artist and researcher, PhD student, and master in visual arts from EBA/UFMG. In her works, she deals with the relationships between memory, oblivion, territory, and imagination, through fablescritical and poetics, intersections between image and word, and the use of public and private archives. She was nominated for the 2023 PIPA Prize, awarded by the XVI Funarte Marc Ferrez Photography Prize, selected for the 9th Pierre Verger National Photography Prize and the 10th Contemporary Diary of Photography Prize, and participated in several exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. In 2023 it was awarded with the publication of the photobook "Ilustríssimos", by the publisher Porto de Cultura.
With the duo Paisagens Móveis, in partnership with Bárbara Lissa, - focusing on themes involving the environment and ecocriticism -, she held the exhibition “When time lasts a ton”, part of the cycle of Individual exhibitions at BDMG Cultural 2022, published the photobooks “Three Moments of a River”, by the Municipal Culture Incentive Law of Belo Horizonte and “Óris” by the publisher Selo Turvo. Also with the duo, she was selected for the 8th Pierre Verger National Photography Prize.
2023: PhD in Visual Arts. EBA/UFMG.
2020-2022: Master in Visual Arts. EBA/UFMG.
2014-2018: Bachelor of Fine Arts-Photography. Guignard School/UEMG.
2023: Selected for the 9th National Photography Prize Pierre Verger, Salvador, BA.
2023: Photothings Award – photobook publication.
2023: Finalist in the Imaginária award for photobook publication.
2021: XVI Funarte Marc Ferrez Photography Prize.
2021: Selected for the 8th National Photography Prize Pierre Verger, Salvador, BA.
2021: Finalist in the Imaginária Prize for publishing photobooks with the photobook.
2021: Finalist in the Foto em Pauta award for photobook publication.
2021: Minas Vale Memorial Award.
2020: Cultural Awards, Aldir Blanc - SECULT/BH.
2020: Grant for collectives in Visual Arts, Aldir Blanc - SECULT/MG.
2020: Arte Salva - SECULT/MG.
2020: Art promotion scholarship/ UFMG.
2020: Finalist in the Foto em Pauta award for photobook publication.
2019: Gentileza - Belo Horizonte City Hall.
2024: Three Moments of a River. Quatro Cantos Cultural Center. Tiradentes, MG.
2023: Peabiru and Sailor's Farewell. ADRO Cultural. São João del Rei, MG.
2022: Três Ranchos: más allá del fin del mundo. La Bòbila Cultural Center. Barcelona, SPA. Curated by Etel Reis.
2022: When time lasts a ton. BDMG Exhibition Cycle. Belo Horizonte, MG. Curated by Rachel Cecília.
2023: Photothings. Sao Paulo-SP.
2023: Cosmopolitics - FotoRio. Federal Justice Cultural Center. Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
2022: Cosmopolitics - SOLAR Festival. Pinacoteca do Ceará. Fortaleza, CE.
2022: FAC - Minas Gerais Audiovisual Culture Festival.
2022: Cosmopolitics, Câmera Sete (Fundação Clóvis Salgado). Belo Horizonte, MG.
2022: Cosmopolitics, Foto em Pauta. Tiradentes, MG. Curated by João Castilho and Pedro David.
2022: From Earth to Earth - Gaia - Unicamp. Campinas, sp.
2022: Small Photography Meeting. Olinda, PE.
2022: PRESENÇA. Curated by Mônica Maia. Tiradentes, MG.
2022: Exhibition Flesh and Stone: some graphic artwork from Belo Horizonte (Brazil), at Facultatea de Arte şi Design. Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara. Romania | Curated by Rita Lages.
2021: Cultural Pendulum. Belo Horizonte, MG.
2021: PRESENÇA. Curated by Mônica Maia. Sao Paulo-SP.
2021: Pierre Verger Photography Prize. Palace of Arts. Salvador BA.
2021: Memorial Minas Gerais Vale. Belo Horizonte, MG.
2021: 1st National Photographic Art Exhibition – Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
2021: Visual Encounters: On the Corner of Brazil with the duo Paisagens Móveis. Natal, RN.
2021: Virtual exhibition Three Moments of a River - financed by the law Aldir Blanc, MG
2021: Virtual exhibition Portraits of Isolation - financed by the Arte Salva, MG public notice
2020: University City Show. Federal University of Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, MG.
2020: Exhibition 2055. Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia. Cruz das Almas, BA.
2020: Inside a suspended time: Prelude. 10th Tiradentes Photography Festival. Online edition.
2020: 1st exhibition Córregos Vivos – Local Stories. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2020: Small Photography Meeting. Olinda, Pernambuco.
2020: 2nd Stellar Winter edition. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2020: 45th SARP - Ribeirão Preto National-Contemporary Art Salon. Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
2020: Photo on the agenda: Collective exhibition Construção de Identidades. Tiradentes, Brazil.
2020: Arte Londrina: Where the blue flows, video art. Londrina, Brazil.
2019: Diário Contemporâneo Photography Award. Belém do Pará, Brazil.
2019: Memories of Sobradinho. Diamantina, Brazil.
2019: PANORAMA 5th edition. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2018: JUNTA: contemporary art bazaar, 5th edition. Galpão Paraíso, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2018: Co-Fluir - Exhibition of publications from the Co-fluir festival. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2017: Portfolio exhibition. Foto em Pauta photography festival. Tiradentes, Brazil.
2017: Performance presentation with the collective ManusFestus. Inimá de Paula Museum, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2017: Exhibition of the work Três Ranchos in the city of Três Ranchos (GO), Brazil.
2017: Três Ranchos – Espaço VÃO. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2015: Exhibition at Benfeitoria space with the Zona collective, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2015: Internal Exhibition – Guignard School. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2014: Espaço 104. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2023: Cultural Churchyard – Transitional Permanence. São João Del-Rei, MG.
2022: Residence Institute of Contemporary Art in Ouro Preto, MG.
2020: Córregos Vivos. Belo Horizonte, MG.
2019: Memories of Sobradinho, Winter Encounters, with the Paisagens Móveis collective. Diamantina, MG. Brazil
2017: Manus Festus artistic residency held at Cave de Plutão/BH
Visual Arts Salons of Bahia – FUNCEB.
BDMG Cultural
DCF Collection - Contemporary Photography Diary. Museum of the Federal University of Pará
2023: FOTO EM PAUTA. Chat with Paisagens Móveis duo. Cine Santa Tereza - Belo Horizonte, MG.
2023: Festival Imaginária - Launch of the photobooks Óris and Ilustríssimos. Sao Paulo-SP.
2022: The research artist - invitation to speak and present work with the duo Paisagens Móveis.
2021: Imaginary of technical images: the invention of landscape. Mobile Landscapes: Photography, routes and imaginaries. SENAC.
2021: Paranapiacaba Photography Festival – invitation to speak and present work
2021: Mulheres Luz – Invitation to Visual Conversations.
2021: Photobook fair at the I Imaginária Festival, held by Lovelyhouse, with the book Três Momentos de um Rio
2021: "Why the archive" - Conversation between the duo Paisagens Móveis and .:Grão, by Círculo da Imagem - programming of the Imaginária Festival
2023: Óris Photobook. Selo Turvo Publisher. ISBN: 978-65-999239-3-7.
2023: Photobook Ilustríssimos. Photothings Publisher. ISBN: 978-65-85769-00-6.
2021: Photobook Three Moments of a River. Funded by the Belo Municipal Culture Incentive Law
Horizon. ISBN: 978-65-00143-83-6.